
Greg's Letter

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Marketers are the new engineers

Greg's Letter is brought to you by Community Empire. Join our membership to get trainings, peer groups, discounts, trends, startup ideas, software to build your internet empire. It's insanely cheap relative to value. I'm doing an "ask me anything" Zoom chat next month in Community Empire, will you be there? I remember when I first moved to Silicon Valley. I noticed people worshipped engineers—and rightfully so. A 10x engineer was the difference between your startup being known or unknown. But...

Today's letter is packed with frameworks, tools and 3+ juicy startup ideas you can steal from my latest podcast, The Startup Ideas Podcast. I recorded 2 new episodes this week and I'll break it down for you. Episode #1: why you should pay attention to "faceless" YouTube channels Remember when in 2020, tons of creators use Twitter Threads to build big audiences? People like Sahil Bloom and Joe Pompliano grew like wildfire in this era. They each got hundreds of thousands of followers. It was an...

Greg's Letter is brought to you by AI-Assisted SEO agency (now taking clients) and (waitlist only) AI-Assisted ads agency. If you need more profitable customers, reach out to them. Today's most successful SaaS founders are building lean, mean, profit-generating machines. Here's the blueprint that's working to build a profitable SaaS in 2024/2025. Build niche internet audience First things first, you need an audience (they are your future customers). But, you...

Greg's Letter is brought to you by, your design/copy agency You don't need a designer. You need a DesignScientist. A Design Scientist is a new type of designer that creates beautiful design assets (websites, apps, social posts) that makes numbers go up. Conversion goes up, user growth goes up, revenue growth goes up. They understand data/growth/copy. Book your free call here and tell 'em I sent you. Today marks the 4-year anniversary of Late Checkout, the holding company I...

Greg's Bookmarks is brought to you by Community Empire. The 350+ person membership for entrepreneurs who want to take action. Comes with trainings, templates and software to build your internet empire. "I can't do it on my own". Maybe. But it's easier with others. Skip the waitlist here for limited time. The future of work is about to get wild. Millions of jobs will change and a golden era for entrepreneurship is beginning. Let me break it down the future of work for you: 1. Human-powered (we...

Greg's Bookmarks is brought to you by Need beautiful design? Need beautiful copy? You need Watch revenue soar with beautiful design + copy. It just works. Also - I'm doing a free startup ideas livestream tomorrow (Friday June 21st) at 11a EST. You bring your startup ideas or your business, and I'll give you feedback. If you sign up over here you'll get notified with the link. (and if you can't make it you'll be able to watch a replay) Forward this to...

Greg's Letter is brought to you today by is the AI-assisted ads agency to create stunning, effective ads on Meta, Google etc with ROI. The secret sauce is the proprietary AI tools they have. If you want to, add yourself to the waitlist here and someone will reach out over next few weeks. Meet your mentor So many people are waiting for the perfect mentor to guide them, to validate their ideas, to show them the way. But here’s the truth... you don’t need a fancy...

You're invited. My business partner is hosting a live workshop around building profitable internet businesses using one of my fav business models "memberships". Memberships are a wonderful way to get monthly recurring revenue with little investment, so if this is of interest, RSVP here. If you can't make it live, all good, we'll be sending a recording 48h after the event if you've RSVPd here. How to win in your 20s For all those in their twenties, and those who want to reminisce about their...

This week's newsletter is brought to you by Do you need ideas turned into a reality? I highly recommend hiring a Design Scientist. These are designers focused on revenue and impact. Get a free strategy session here to learn more and watch the ROI of design. I liked them so much I invested in the business. Why ideas matter more than ever This might upset some people, but hear me out. People who say “ideas are worthless” don’t understand 2024 and the world we live in. In a...

This week's newsletter is brought to you by Every business needs great design to sell more. I use to build beautiful websites, beautiful apps, beautiful social post and now they even do copywriting as a service or engineering (webflow, shopify etc) as a service. I highly recommend them. I liked them so much I invested in the business. Hire them here. Ideas, opportunities and things I’m thinking about right now: Finding mispriced assets. The internet has...